Welcome to Kindness and Science in Action
Defending Health Freedom, Animals, and the Environment
Our mission at KSA is to expose the fraud and cruelty of animal experimentation, the corruption of the petrochemical/pharmaceutical/medical industry and to educate the public about their negative impact on our health. We support a plant-based diet on health and ethical grounds and because factory farming and consumption of animals and animal products is injurious to the environment, polluting our air, soil, and water. We make it clear that animal experimentation, also called vivisection, is not based in science but is perpetuated because it is a billion-dollar-a-year industry and because there is no shortage of pseudo-scientists who are willing to torture animals for a living.

We advocate for the natural healing of disease by detoxification and strengthening our immune system and we speak the truth regarding the many disease charities who push toxic therapies, fill their coffers with billions of dollars, pay their executives six figure salaries, and have for many decades been promising a “cure” that never comes. We believe kindness and real science go hand in hand and that cruelty, greed, and exploitation of the environment has brought us a world where diseases have skyrocketed, and where sickness care has become the most profitable industry in the world. We believe when compassionate people follow their heart, they will find the right path for a healthy and meaningful life.
When the 2018 fire came dangerously close to where I lived and caused me to believe that I would lose my home, I became more furious than ever at the politicians who have run this state for many decades. A shortage of resources was blamed for the fire. Nothing has changed. The politicians, for whatever nefarious reasons, continue to choose to do nothing to protect us. Following every fire, elected officials and their appointees are interviewed on TV and repeat the familiar refrains about Santa Ana winds and dry terrain. But the fact is, they all know that fires are inevitable in this state so where is the preparation?
We laughed out loud until we got pains in our sides and felt like an outbreak of hysteria might be coming on. Are they kidding with Stargate or what? AI is going to make an RNA vaccine that will prevent/cure cancer? What is Trump thinking? Where the heck is RFK, Jr.? Why is RFK, who knows better than anyone that vaccines do not work, not saying anything to Trump about this boondoggle?
Over a year ago we noticed Children’s Health Defense was promoting a carnivorous diet and speaking out against vegan “processed” foods. First of all, unless we eat only raw fruits, grains, legumes, and vegetables and squeeze our own juices, all food is processed one way or another. Furthermore, we are extremely grateful that food that we’ve loved since childhood, especially our comfort food, is available as plant-based now. This means that people who would not ordinarily become vegans because of the foods they missed have now become vegans and miss out on nothing!

News-Medical.net reports that coughing dairy cows are said to spread the virus and milking machines are also culprits. Wild birds flying overhead must also be feared. According to these reports “It could have been a grackle, a wild goose, or some other wild bird that infected a cow in northern Texas.” Should we expect bird hunters to be granted license to shoot wild birds out of the sky wherever they see them? In further fear mongering efforts, they warn, “Just a few mutations could allow the bird flu to spread between people. Because viruses mutate within human and animal bodies, each infection is like the pull of a slot machine lever.” In other words – be very afraid, anything can happen at any time.

In 1986, the vaccine industry convinced members of Congress that unless they protected vaccine manufacturers from legal liability, they would be sued out of existence. Pre 1986 there were so many law suits brought against the vaccine industry from victims of vaccines that the industry went all out lobbying politicians to save them. Congress did save them and now vaccine victims are no longer allowed to sue vaccine companies for damages in court.

Incredible news! On September 24th, U.S. District Court Judge Edward Chen, who had been overseeing the fluoride trial we reported on last year issued his ruling – “Water fluoridation at current U.S. levels poses an ‘unreasonable risk’ of reduced IQ in children.” Chen ruled that a preponderance of scientific evidence shows that the level of fluoride that Americans are being exposed to may damage human health, particularly that of pregnant mothers and young children.
— CONTINUE READING —What Doctors and Vivisectors Say About Vivisection (Animal Experimentation/Bio-Medical Research)
Most people, when asked to use their common sense regarding animal experimentation, have to admit that animals are not the same as humans and when faced with a medical emergency regarding themselves or a family member would choose to go to a hospital ER and not a veterinarian. They would want a blood transfusion from a human being of the same blood type and certainly not the blood of a cat, dog or monkey. Furthermore, trans-species organ transplants have a long history of failure. In spite of those facts, the petrochemical/pharmaceutical industry has for many decades, used animals as stand-ins for humans in bio-medical research. The vivisectors themselves know that because of differences in physiology, metabolism, bio-chemistry and genetics, extrapolation of experiments from one species to another is scientifically impossible. It is not science. It harms not only animals but humans and the environment as well.

We have written quite a bit about Louis Pasteur and his fraudulent germ/virus theory. https://kindnessandscience.org/the-virology-fraud-and-its-disastrous-affects-on-our-well-being/ His assertion in the mid to late 1800s of the existence of tiny particles (germs) that could not be seen and that they were the cause of human disease was discounted by prominent scientists of his time like Dr. H. Bastian, Dr. W.R Hadwen, Dr. William A. Bruette, and Dr. Antoine Bechamp. Dr. Bechamp and others maintained that illness was caused by a toxic body and that in order to heal the body it must be detoxed of the elements that were making it sick and the immune system strengthened. Every doctor, allopathic or naturopath knows that the immune system is the only thing that heals our bodies. This became known as the terrain theory of disease and has been accepted by leading holistic doctors worldwide.

We are very happy to announce that the long-awaited release of Dr. Will Tuttle’s new book Food for Freedom – Reclaiming Our Health and Rescuing Our World is now available! The book has already hit the #1 best-seller position of vegan books as well as in social philosophy and in theosophy. As Will has so aptly said, “It is the only book to bring together the movement to liberate animals from human exploitation and the movement for human freedom, especially health/medical freedom and political freedom.” We are in complete accordance with Dr. Will’s message about animals and human health. We are privileged to know him as a good friend and colleague.

All victories that stop animals from being brutalized in vivisection laboratories are especially sweet. Our friends at White Coat Waste are kind enough to give shared credit to everyone who emailed Congress for the de-funding of the Department of Justice’s program of shooting, stabbing, and burning alive goats, pigs, sheep, and other animals. But WCW has been lobbying Congress since 2019 to make this happen so they can take credit for being the driving force that pushed this issue forward.

We constantly hear from oil companies, their supporters, and misguided members of the public that drilling in the most sensitive areas of our country – any and all public lands, national parks, the Grand Canyon, animal habitats, near communities, large and small, offshore all along our coastlines, and in the Gulf of Mexico will make oil prices go down because all this oil sucked out of our U.S. earth belongs to us and will stay right here. What an incredible whopper of a lie that is.
— CONTINUE READING —Take Action for Octopuses

Last week we announced a victory for a very special sea animal. On March 13, 2024, Governor Jay Inslee of Washington State signed the bill that has made octopus farms illegal in that state. Most people do not know that octopuses are sensitive animals who prefer to be alone. They are intelligent creatures who have complex mental abilities. In octopus farms they are crowded together and the terrible stress they are forced to endure causes death to many of them. The methods used to kill the octopuses in these inhumane farms include clubbing and freezing them to death.

Back when the Covid fraud began, we warned people that as soon as pharma and their vaccine companies had squeezed as much money out of this fake pandemic as they could, they would soon invent another flu/pandemic. When the modern age avian/bird flu nonsense was first introduced in the U.S. in 2015, pharma did not completely own mainstream media as they do now, and the attempt to frighten the public with bird flu fears soon went down in flames and the bird flu vaccine bonanza did not materialize.

Most environmental organizations say little or nothing regarding the subject of illegal immigration. Refusing to speak out regarding this subject is not compatible with the ideals of environmentalism because of the massive environmental destruction resulting from the overwhelming number of illegal migrants coming across our southern border.

After 40 years of sending billions of dollars to vivisectors overseas with no oversight whatsoever, it’s time to end this fraudulent, taxpayer, NIH boondoggle. Representatives Dina Titus (D-Nevada – 01) and Troy Nehls (R-Texas-22) have sponsored the Cease Animal Research Grants Overseas (CARGO) Act (HR 4757) in the House of Representatives. We are asking you to contact your own representatives in Congress and ask them to support this important act which would prohibit the NIH from awarding grants, contracts, cooperative agreements, or technical assistance of any kind to any foreign entity for experiments on animals.
In 1985, members of the Animal Liberation Front raided a vivisection laboratory at the University of California Riverside and rescued hundreds of animals who were being brutalized by vivisectors. They liberated 467 mice, rats, cats, opossums, pigeons, rabbits, and a baby monkey who had endured painful experiments on his eyes since infancy. His eyes had been sewn shut and an electronic sonar device attached to his head that emitted a high-pitched noise every few minutes. The baby monkey, who was named Britches by his tormentors, had his filthy bandages removed, his stitches taken out, and received medical treatment. He was taken to a sanctuary and given to a macaque female monkey who raised him. Britches lived happily for 20 years in the Primarily Primates sanctuary in San Antonio.
— CONTINUE READING —Jon Rappoport is a writer and investigative reporter with impeccable credentials and a reputation for dealing in facts and giving his readers the unvarnished truth. His book AIDS, Inc exposed the lies regarding the nonexistent AIDS virus, what was really causing the conglomeration of ailments labeled AIDS, and the corruption of the pharmaceutical industry that killed countless numbers of people with the deadly drug AZT. No one explains the Covid fraud and the fake pandemic in ways we can all understand like Jon. Here are two Substack articles he wrote regarding viruses. He is well worth reading and subscribing to.
Much more on non-existent viruses
Ask yourself this question: How can pharma companies sell drugs and vaccines to treat and prevent diseases, if the companies have NO CAUSES for these diseases?
The drugs and vaccines target a cause.
A big-time curative drug isn’t developed to go after a fever or muscle weakness or lung congestion. It’s developed to kill the cause.
If no cause has been established, there can be no curative drug, and thus there can be no money.
No money is intolerable.
— CONTINUE READING —Please Help the Tule Elk – Urgent!

Tule elk are native to California and were almost driven to extinction in the 1800s. But conservation efforts brought them back to the point where they number in the hundreds and are protected by law. But their existence and their habitat at Point Reyes National Seashore are being threatened again by the National Park Service which is mandated to protect the Tule elk.

Our most important goal as antivivisectionists has been and always will be the abolition of all animal experimentation. Vivisection is scientific fraud, a billion dollar industry, and only exists to benefit the greedy purveyors of torture in the petrochemical/pharmaceutical industry. We’ve always said, nothing less than total abolition will satisfy us. And yet, we support Congresswoman Nancy Mace (SC-01) in her introduction of Violet’s Law, also known as the AFTER Act, and named after a dog adopted from a tax-payer-funded vivisection lab. This act would allow dogs, cats, primates, rabbits, and other animals to be retired and re-homed when vivisectors no longer find any use for them.
— CONTINUE READING —We Are Not the Same

Billions of rats and mice have been tortured and killed in vivisection laboratories for over 100 years. The result – not one cure to any disease and not one medical advance due to animal experimentation. Keeping in mind that even rats and mice have differences, let’s compare them to humans to understand why brutalizing them is not only cruel but pointless.

Four years ago, when the Covid scam was initiated, we, as antivivisectionists, became as involved as any other anti-vaccine and health freedom group in exposing the lie of the non-existent virus, the uselessness of masks and social distancing, and the dangers of all vaccines, including the Covid vaccine. Countless bills were introduced in Sacramento and other state capitals that stripped parents of their rights to oversee the health of their own children and eliminate exemptions for anyone who refused to be vaccinated, and we were in the fight to stop them. We called legislators, wrote emails, and protested in Sacramento along with many other groups. The last four years have been a war on our Constitutional rights and everything this country holds dear – freedom of speech, freedom of movement and travel, freedom to breathe oxygen, freedom to attend our chosen houses of worship, to attend weddings, funerals, and graduations, and the freedom to choose what will and will not enter our bodies. That is where our focus has been for the past four years.
— CONTINUE READING —A Few Simple Tips on How to Stay Healthy

In these busy times, how can we make sure we maintain our health? Even when our lives get hectic and we’re dealing with school, work, or life issues, it’s important that we take the time to take care of the one and only body we have been blessed with.

Three years ago, when the Covid debacle was foisted on the world, we made clear, along with incredible truth tellers like Jon Rappoport, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and many others, that the “pandemic” was a fraud invented to sell vaccines and designed to control our bodies and our lives. We said there was no virus. People were dying as they always had of a variety of diseases except that now every disease known to man was being called Covid, and Covid vaccines and deadly hospital therapies were harming and killing people as well.
— CONTINUE READING —The Vaccine Connection

The first time I heard Sue Marston speak about vaccines I was impressed. She has a remarkable grasp of the issue and has investigated the subject more thoroughly than most doctors ever will. It isn’t the job of the physician to investigate the effectiveness or danger of a vaccine. If it gets by the Food and Drug Administration, most doctors will administer it.
— CONTINUE READING —The Vaccine Superstition

Throughout the civilized world at the present time the vaccination delusion is almost everywhere in full sway. The Health Boards of the various cities demand it, and usually do every thing that they can to enforce it. Rarely are they able to give even an ordinarily reasonable excuse for vaccination. They do not know why they vaccinate, further than their belief that vaccination will prevent smallpox.
— CONTINUE READING —60 Minutes: Swine Flu (1976)

This is an old segment from CBS ’60 Minutes’ on the swine flu (also known as H1N1) & the vaccine that was developed to stop the pandemic.
— CONTINUE READING —Virus-Isolation Is It Real? Andrew Kaufman MD Responds to Jeremy Hammond

Andrew Kaufman M.D. refutes Jeremy Hammond’s recent interview opining that SARS-CoV-2 has been shown to exist. Point by point, Kaufman debunks Hammond’s explanation of how a virus is discovered
Who are we?
We’re an organization focused on protecting both humans and animals. We wish to end animal experimentation and bring about real medical freedom.
Zelle: britt@kindnessandscience.org
Checks: Send checks to KSA, care of Britt Lind, 327 Chestnut Hill Ct. Unit 31, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
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Britt’s Books
Part of the proceeds from book sales will be donated to KSA.

Susan G. Komen, like all disease organizations, focuses on their one and only goal – making lots and lots of money for their executives. To that end, they have managed to convince people, especially their ardent supporters who dress up in pink outfits for the various walks and runs for the “cure,” that Komen is actually looking for a cure to breast cancer. After forty two years of failing to find that “cure” they are still “looking.” And that “looking,” of course means perpetrating cruel, useless, unscientific, animal experiments. The fraud and lies of Komen are obvious, but people who continue to believe in Komen are blinded by their desperation and hope and will not be persuaded otherwise. The following video is admittedly a little snarky but when we made it a few years ago we were discouraged by the insistence of the “pink people” to ignore the facts. That Komen and all the disease organizations (Alzheimer’s, Cancer Society, St. Jude’s, Juvenile Diabetes, Parkinson’s, MS, etc.) who are involved in animal experimentation are able to fool people into donating despite over 100 years of failure continues to be frustrating. Nevertheless, we continue to educate and are encouraged when former true believers see the light.