Governor Gavin Newsom of California announced on December 18th that California is now in a State of Emergency because bird flu has been detected in cows. According to Newsom “This proclamation is a targeted action to ensure government agencies have the resources and flexibility they need to respond quickly to this outbreak. While the risk to the public remains low, we will continue to take all necessary steps to prevent the spread of this virus.” In 2022 millions of chickens were slaughtered using horrifying cruel methods because farmers were told the birds tested positive for bird flu. Now Newsom has declared he has the right to authorize testing of cows and their mass slaughter if they are deemed to have bird flu. According to the CDC there have been no cases of person-to-person spread of bird flu in the U.S. and no cases confirmed from consuming milk from an infected cow or eating eggs from an infected chicken. But so what?
Spreading fear and panic is the order of the day as all across the country authorities are declaring that people are developing illness from bird flu they caught from their animals. Even cats have been diagnosed with bird flu. Are they kidding?! reports that coughing dairy cows are said to spread the virus and milking machines are also culprits. Wild birds flying overhead must also be feared. According to these reports “It could have been a grackle, a wild goose, or some other wild bird that infected a cow in northern Texas.” Should we expect bird hunters to be granted license to shoot wild birds out of the sky wherever they see them? In further fear mongering efforts, they warn, “Just a few mutations could allow the bird flu to spread between people. Because viruses mutate within human and animal bodies, each infection is like the pull of a slot machine lever.” In other words – be very afraid, anything can happen at any time. goes on to report that “The USDA has so far put more than $2.1 billion into reimbursing poultry and diary farmers for losses due to the bird flu and other measures to control the spread on farms.” Democrat health officials in California are even bringing politics into the bird flu issue asserting that illegal aliens working in the dairy and poultry industry may be infected with bird flu and when Trump deports them en masse they will create an “astronomical challenge for public health.” One can only hope that once President Trump gets RFK, Jr. and others into these agencies all this insanity will end.
This is like a farce written by Shakespeare – theater of the absurd meant to entertain and laughed at, not be taken seriously. But no, Newsom and his pharma cronies are selling this story as a deadly serious drama. Through the decades we’ve observed how the pharmaceutical/medical industry declared one fake pandemic/flu after another – Hong Kong Flu, Swine Flu, SARS, Ebola, Bird Flu, and more. But they failed to bring the expected monetary results for pharma. After the media was captured by pharma due to the billions of dollars they have spent on drug commercials, they finally hit the jackpot with Covid. They now had the power to convince the public of anything – Covid would kill you unless you cover your face, work behind shields, stay 6 feet apart, and the rest of their nonsense. All of it was geared to sell Covid vaccines which turned vaccine industry millionaires into billionaires, destroyed small businesses, destroyed jobs, and caused untold damage to our children. Operation Warp Speed was initiated, Fauci and his minions took over the White House, and millions of people lost their lives to the vaccines and the deadly treatments like remdesivir, and ventilation machines used on any unsuspecting person “diagnosed” with Covid.
Even though the Covid propaganda machine is still with us, the worldwide pharmaceutical/medical industry is now flogging the return of bird flu. It didn’t go over very well when they flogged it a few years ago, but now that people have been conditioned to fear dangerous viruses, why wait a decade before convincing people the answer to this deadly bird flu virus is more vaccines? Vaccine companies are on stand-by, ready to begin another mass marketing of vaccines. Health and Human Services has prepared 4.8 million doses from its stockpile of FDA-approved bird flu vaccines. Sanofi, GSK, CSL Seqirus, Pfizer and Moderna are chomping at the bit to cash in on the fear mongering campaign. And all of it is based on a lie created several decades ago that came into full bloom when the Rockefeller foundation embraced the germ theory and destroyed all healing methods that didn’t involve drugs and vaccines.

In the mid-1800s Antoine Béchamp and other renowned scientists espoused the terrain theory of health and disease. They maintained that living entities called microzymes created bacteria in response to the conditions of the body – that disease-causing germs thrive in bodies that are unhealthy or have weaknesses or internal imbalances. Meanwhile, Louis Pasteur, who was a talented self-promoter, unlike Béchamp and the others, sold the public on the belief that the body is sterile, disease can “strike” anybody, and to prevent disease we have to build up defenses (drugs and vaccines). Years later, Thomas Milton Rivers at the Rockefeller Institute established the ”science” of virology and soon after he and his friends began to “discover” viruses for smallpox, mumps, measles, and yellow fever. With no proof that these viruses existed they could patent drugs and vaccines to treat these invisible germs.

At the time it was important to keep from the public the fact that the incidents of paralysis called polio were in fact caused by arsenic, lead, and mercury and the overuse of deadly DDT. When the use of DDT was drastically reduced the incidents of polio began to decline at which time the Jonas Salk polio vaccine was introduced. He was hailed as a hero even though in states with forced polio vaccinations the incidences of polio went up by 300 percent. All this led up to Anthony Fauci and Robert Gallo a few decades later blaming the HIV virus for the hundreds of deaths in the gay community instead of the multiple causes and conditions that were responsible for the destruction of their immune systems. Jon Rappoport’s book details this fraud cooked up by Fauci and his pharma cohorts in his book AIDS, INC. This is a must read for anyone who wants to understand what happened during the AIDS fear mongering campaign during which time AZT caused many deaths among perfectly healthy individuals but earned huge profits for the drug industry. After the public accepted the HIV theory of AIDS, the stage was set for a profitable pandemic and when pharma finally completely owned the media, Covid made its grand entrance.

It is unfortunate that animal groups like PETA fail to understand that viruses do not exist, and pandemics are created by pharma to make money. When millions of chickens were being slaughtered in 2022, PETA fully supported pharma/government assertions that they were seeing the “largest bird flu outbreak in the country” and that humans involved in the slaughtering were being infected with bird flu. Their only concern was for the animals’ suffering and they were unable to connect the dots between the killing of animals and the agenda of pharma to make money from vaccines and drugs. Because the vivisection industry is an integral part of the vaccine industry it is regrettable that PETA remains in the dark regarding viruses. All animal organzations should be a united front standing up to the lies of pharma.
Many health freedom groups also do not understand that virology is a made up “science” that is destroying lives and killing millions of people because of the vaccines that are manufactured to deal with the mythical viruses that cannot be proven to exist.

As for Newsom’s State of Emergency, no one explains the legal implications better than our friend Peggy Hall at She is an amazing and invaluable treasure trove of knowledge and has shared her knowledge with millions of people throughout the fraud of Covid and made sure our rights as U.S. citizens are respected. Check out her site and be prepared to be impressed. She may not be a lawyer but as an educator she educates lawyers who welcome her advice so they can help their clients fight the system and win. She also understands the fraudulent germ theory and can be seen in the documentary
The best defense against fraud, fear mongering, deadly assaults on our bodies, and attacks on our health freedom is knowledge. Recognize virus/pandemic propaganda for the outrageous fictional garbage that is it and understand that the talking heads on TV do not dare tell the truth for fear of their station losing billions of dollars in revenue for going up against the petrochemical/pharmaceutical/medical industry. It is a powerful industry indeed, but we all have free will, we have our brains, and we have the ability to stand up to anyone who attempts to take away our constitutional rights. If enough people refuse to be intimidated by pharma’s fear compaigns, this version of bird flu will end up where the last version ended up, in the scrap pile of dead and buried pandemics that failed to live up to pharma’s expectations because people were too smart to buy into their cheap theatrics.