

During the pandemic, we saw the extent that big tech corporations would go to censor any information about Covid-19 and vaccines. Facebook and YouTube were notorious for censoring information regarding the pandemic that did not align with pro-lockdowns or pro-mask mandates. One of our founders even found that she could not blog about vaccines on Medium, a blogging site known to be useful for people to share their views and thoughts on subjects. Large Silicon Valley companies seem to be fully complicit with the regime of fear, using their massive platforms to censor people and guide society towards certain viewpoints. It’s not only censorship of information that is a problem, but financial censorship has been threatened as well. Canada’s government has known to take a tyrannical stance when it comes to shutting down the voices of people and groups who speak out against Covid/vaccine lies. Trudeau froze the bank accounts of those who did not align with pro-lockdown viewpoints and donated to the trucker/protestors. Some activists in the United States also had their Paypal or other payment accounts frozen. Enough is enough. We need to find alternative platforms that allow us to express ourselves freely, so that real thought and discourse can take place. The good thing is that many of these are popping up. Lets examine some of the major ones.


Twitter was formally under the control of big tech and known for censorship of Covid-19 related issues. However, following its acquisition by Elon Musk, the platform began to become much more open. Elon Musk believed in the importance of free speech, and as a result he allowed users to post on issues that were previously censored. Twitter is a great platform because it is already very large. It has the same reach as most big tech platforms but now it is in the hands of an owner who, so far, is committed to defending free speech.

We’re grateful that Musk has promoted the documentary What is a Woman and the thriller Sound of FreedomSound of Freedom stars Jim Caviezel and focuses on child trafficking that is now on a par with the arms trade and threatens to overtake the illegal drug industry as the number one major crime in the world. Because of Musk and Twitter many thousands more people will be aware of the two films.

There are real concerns about Elon Musk and his connection to vivisection. His company Neuralink is responsible for the deaths of at least 1,500 animals in animal experimentation labs at UC Davis. Elites like Musk seem to have an obsession with transhumanism and are willing to sacrifice animals in horrendous experiments in order to attempt to give themselves a chance of achieving their transhuman vision. 

Twitter also recently confirmed a new CEO, Linda Yaccarino. She had previously worked at NBCUniversal and there are fears that she may roll back the open speech that Twitter has allowed. She is a Covid true believer and pushes vaccines, but for now it seems that posts on previously forbidden subjects are still allowed.


Gab is similar to Twitter. This platform seems to have been originally built as an alternative to Facebook and Twitter. Users can share posts to their feed as well as join different groups or pages. Because Gab is free of censorship, there are many offensive racists and antisemitic posts. We choose to remove them from our timeline and take the opportunity of being on Gab to share the scientific argument against vivisection and pro natural health information with hundreds and eventually thousands of people who have never heard our message before. Gab’s founder Andrew Torba is dedicated to countering big tech companies, and he is currently working on systems like GabPay to serve as an alternative to Paypal.


Bitchute is a censorship free alternative to YouTube. Bitchute is a great place to share videos without the fear of takedowns. 


Another video sharing alternative. Like Bitchute, Rumble also allows content that would not be fit for YouTube’s policies.

Alternative Payment Methods

Large financial institutions have increased censorship of anti-vaccine and health freedom activists. Paypal is one of the most commonly used for online transactions, and they have frozen and stolen funds from activists with whom they disagree.

In order to avoid the censorship from mainstream banking institutions, many activist organizations have moved towards taking donations in Bitcoin. Cryptocurrency can be difficult to understand at first, but there are some helpful guides on how to utilize it.

Coinbase has an article explaining how to buy cryptocurrency on their platform:

We don’t recommend cryptocurrency but this is a good place to start, and over time as people become familiar with the purchasing process, they can explore other exchanges as well. We encourage everyone to research and find what seems reliable and works for you.

When it comes to issues such as fund-raising, building membership, and sharing videos, there is still the old fashioned way of doing things. Meeting people face to face! We have always loved communicating directly with people at veg and animal rights fests and found that is a great way to grow our email list and turn strangers into lifelong friends and supporters. Having regular local meetings and viewing videos with discussions afterwards also solidifies relationships and begins new ones. In this day and age of interviewing for jobs on Zoom and having Zoom meetings there is still nothing that can substitute for personal contact. We need to put down our phones and laptops, stop texting for a while, and remember that person-to-person interaction is something that is advantageous not only to our mission as activists but something we need to do in our personal lives to retain our humanity.

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