When the 2018 fire came dangerously close to where I lived and caused me to believe that I would lose my home, I became more furious than ever at the politicians who have run this state for many decades. A shortage of resources was blamed for the fire. Nothing has changed. The politicians, for whatever nefarious reasons, continue to choose to do nothing to protect us. Following every fire, elected officials and their appointees are interviewed on TV and repeat the familiar refrains about Santa Ana winds and dry terrain. But the fact is, they all know that fires are inevitable in this state so where is the preparation? Why aren’t PG&E’s power lines that have caused fifteen hundred fires in six years all buried underground by now? Where are the fire breaks that the governor has been promising? Why do we not prioritize the state and local budgets for firefighting above all else? Why do we not have an army of firefighters trained and ready to go into action at the sign of the slightest spark? Why aren’t fire hydrants and reservoirs maintained in perfect operating condition? Why do we not have tankers prepared to put out fires, wind or no wind? Why do we not maintain a fleet of helicopters prepared to fly and drop water when a fire begins? Why do we have to ask for resources from other states and countries when we should maintain those resources ourselves?
I want answers to those questions and many more. Instead, the fires rage year after year. Even before the fires are contained, we hear endless platitudes from the politicians – “people care and are coming together,” “fire victims in California are strong and will recover,” “FEMA and the Red Cross are coming in to help,” etc., etc. Yes, the victims of the fires need help, but they wouldn’t need that help if the politicians who run California prevented the fires in the first place. Thousands of people have lost their homes, their livelihoods, their beloved pets, horses have burned to death, and the hopes and dreams that fire victims worked toward their whole lives are gone. Many have died. All the talk of “coming together” will not change that. I can only imagine how many birds and wild animals could not escape the fires and burned to death. For those who did manage to survive, their homes are completely gone. The media never talks about the horrible impact of the fires on wild animals as if only humans have suffered. I’m afraid to research the numbers because it will break my heart into a million pieces.
The mayor of Los Angeles and the governor are at the top of my list of politicians who refuse to prioritize the safety of California citizens. The mayor cares more about DEI hiring, spending our tax dollars on homeless projects that never work, and flying around the country and the world instead of staying home and attending to the hard work of being a mayor. The governor hasn’t had time to prepare for fires because he’s been too busy shoring up his plans to run for president, hoping that his connections to various wealthy entities will ensure his ride into the Oval Office. Watching him give interviews with that smug look on his face, offering the usual excuses, promising government aid, gesturing wildly with his hands as if he’s talking at a campaign rally, and ignoring his complicity in the fires, I want to throw something at the TV. Guess what, governor, your presidential hopes have literally gone up in smoke and your smarmy excuses will not cut it anymore.
The only heroes of this massive, tragic debacle are the firefighters – on the ground and in the air. As I watched the firefighters facing the fires only a few feet away, protecting the homes behind them, waiting for the helicopters and the fixed wing aircraft to come in and help them, it was like watching a scene from a war movie. Flying a helicopter is dangerous enough in good weather, but flying through fire and smoke in the darkness takes superhuman courage. And watching the fixed wing aircraft flying low to the ground through that same fire and smoke then make their turns to go back and refill their tanks with water and once again fly into danger, filled me with awe at their indescribable acts of bravery. While the movie/TV/music awards season is now in full flower, and celebrities honor each other again and again for being lucky and rich, my opinion is that it is the firefighters who should be honored. They should be showered with attention, gratitude, love, and appreciation. They are the ones who deserve acknowledgement for the incredible human beings that they are.
As a nonprofit we are not allowed to support any candidate who runs for office and we never do that, but I am allowed to talk about the various politicians who are in charge of this country and this state and the negative or positive impact they have on the environment, animals, and humans. So, I make this observation: if the people of California blindly vote for candidates just because they belong to a certain party the fires will continue to rage. Nothing will ever change. New and competent people must be put in charge of this state. If these fires are not a wake up call for even the most woke people in California, then nothing will ever wake them up.
The biggest wildlife crossing bridge in the world is now being built over the 101 freeway at Liberty Canyon. This incredible structure which is being funded by the National Wildlife Federation and the Annenberg Foundation, will make it possible for big cats and other animals to cross back and forth to wilderness areas on either side and prevent them from being killed on the freeway. This will enable them to breed and keep their species healthy. For information regarding this incredible project go to https://www.nwf.org/Latest-News/Press-Releases/2021/05-14-21-Annenberg-Foundation-Wildlife-Crossing and https://www.rcdsmm.org/what-we-do/wildlife-crossing-at-liberty-canyon/
If the people of California don’t change their voting habits, that beautiful bridge that I have been gratefully watching being built for two years, is in terrible danger. The environment that will be rejuvenated in that area by that project is in danger. I know as sure as I’m sitting here typing on my laptop that if the same people who run California are still in charge after that bridge is finished and providing a safe crossing for countless wild animals, the bridge will burn and be reduced to ashes. The land, oak trees, and homes for birds and animals on either side of the freeway will once again be destroyed by fire, just like in 2018. I’m tired of excuses and platitudes. I want action and prevention. And only the people of California can make that happen.