An essay by Sue Marston – Author, Vaccine Researcher, and KSA Supporter
Last year, I presented a tribute to Hans Ruesch, who battled bravely against the system to expose vivisection as fraud and corruption.
There is another hero in this movement who also deserves attention, and an enormous amount of respect, because standing up against the machine when very few are doing it, takes courage. He’s a medical doctor, which ups the ante, because when one is working in the very same industry one is at odds with, it can lead to censure and interfere with employment, although he is retired now.
British physician, Dr. Vernon Coleman was challenging the status quo decades ago, before free speech was even recognized by most as being suppressed. In addition, for just as long, he has been speaking out against vaccination, which is also an industry-constructed sacred cow (pun intended, as the word vaccine is derived from “vacca,” Latin for “cow.” The first “modern” vaccines, beginning in 1776, were injections of pus from infected cuts and sores on cows).
Attacks on Dr. Coleman became increasingly intense, especially after he began warning the public very early on about COVID shots and the damage caused by wearing masks.
During the “lockdowns” many of Dr. Coleman’s followers were watching videos he produced under the banner of “The Old Man In A Chair,” but he finally had to end it this year after assaults graduated from defamatory words to threats against him and his wife; hit pieces in the press; numerous physical incursions upon his website, computer programs and equipment; the platform that hosted his videos; and even his home, which persisted. At 78 years of age, he deserves a rest. His accomplishments are vast, including having written dozens of published books. A few of those titles are listed at the end of this article.
In 2001, Dr. Coleman issued a challenge to vivisectors in the U.K., offering £100,000 to anyone who could “provide indisputable clinical evidence that animal experiments are relevant, reliable, effective and essential for human health.”
Antivivisectionists throughout the U.K wrote to tell him that they had asked vivisectors to try to accept this challenge. But none of them would. They’re confident in coercing us into believing that if they’re not allowed to do whatever they please (with our tax money), we’re all going to suffer for it. But when confronted with someone in the industry who knows the facts, well, that’s a different matter.
Dr. Coleman then increased the reward to £250,000 and renewed the challenge. Still no takers. So, he withdrew that offer and replaced it with one that remains an open invitation to this day:
“I challenge vivisectors to produce one patient (just one) whose life they can prove has been saved as a direct result of animal experiments – and whom they can prove would now be dead if it had not been for animal experiments.”
Here it is, 23 years later, and vivisectors still won’t step into a debate with the good doctor.
Thank you, Dr. Coleman. You are an inspiration to all of us who must break through the lies in the media to reach the public with the truth. You did that in a simple, inventive way that reached millions of people. We can all learn from you.

Here is a partial list of the many books he has written:
The Medicine Men (1975)
The Home Pharmacy (1980)
The Good Medicine Guide (1982)
Eat Green Lose Weight (1990)
Why Animal Experiments Must Stop (1991)
Why Doctors Do More Harm Than Good (1993)
Betrayal of Trust (1994)
How To Stop Your Doctor Killing You (1996)
Meat Causes Cancer – The Evidence They’ve Ignored (2024)
——— Sue Marston