

We were shocked to hear that on October 2 the Danish government again refused to allow Paul Watson to have a hearing and has extended his imprisonment until October 23. This shocking display of prosecutorial overreach is beyond anything we ever expected from Denmark. They, who slaughter dolphins by the thousands every year, are acting in lockstep with Japan who wants Paul extradited so they can dispose of him as they wish. Demark has turned their justice system into a joke, knowing they are breaking international and domestic law by holding an innocent man prisoner without giving him his day in court.

Paul is now cut off from almost all outside contact. He is allowed to speak to his wife for 10 minutes a week.

This is not Denmark’s finest hour. Claiming their investigations are taking months to reach a conclusion is an insult to Paul, his lawyers, and his supporters.

Please express your outrage by emailing the Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen,

Below is a video message from Paul.

Paul needs your encouraging cards and letters now more than ever. If you haven’t already done so, please write to him.

Paul Watson

Anstalten Prison

Nuuk, Greenland


Thank you for taking action.

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