Tule elk are native to California and were almost driven to extinction in the 1800s. But conservation efforts brought them back to the point where they number in the hundreds and are protected by law. But their existence and their habitat at Point Reyes National Seashore are being threatened again by the National Park Service which is mandated to protect the Tule elk.
The NPS is leasing our public lands to ranchers whose cows are being prioritized at the risk of the lives of Tule elk. Over 152 elk died in 2020 because they have been fenced in without access to enough food and water. Activists risked arrest to bring them water and are fighting to keep the NPS from slaughtering the elk and are demanding that they be allowed to roam free over the 71,000 acres of Point Reyes National Seashore where they have every right to live. Forcing them to live in zoo-like conditions without access to food and water is not acceptable and allowing bloodthirsty hunters to murder them is sickening and tragic. It is the powerful ranching industry that is pushing for the extermination of the Tule elk for their own greedy purposes.

“The actions of the National Park Service speak loud and clear: private ranching business is favored over public opinion and the lives of native wild animals at Point Reyes National Seashore,” Fleur Dawes of In Defense of Animals said in a press release. “Removing water from thirsty and dying rare Tule elk is despicable.”
Now, because of public outcry, the NPS is considering taking down the fences and allowing the elk to roam free. The public comment period has ended but we still need people to write to the NPS and encourage them to follow through with freeing the Tule elk. The fences must come down. https://www.nps.gov/pore/contacts.htm Scroll down to General Information/Feedback/Comment Email, click and write. They are making their decision soon so don’t delay!
The Tule elk need your help. Let’s help them roam free once and for all!