
Justice Denied!

Paul Watson appeared in Court in Nuuk, Greenland on August 15 after nearly a month of incarceration at Anstalten Detention Center, one of the most remote prisons on Earth.

The Greenlandic Judge concluded Paul Watson is a flight risk and will continue to be held until September 5th while the Danish Ministry of Justice maintains they need more time to further investigate the case.

Paul’s legal team was not able to present evidence in relation to the Japanese allegations, as the judge was only looking at the extradition request and not the underlying charges. This pathetic excuse for keeping Paul imprisoned while denying Paul his right to respond to the charges against him goes against the basic judicial principles of every western nation.

Paul has been held in Greenland on an arrest request from the Government of Japan, dating back to politically motivated allegations made in 2010 when Paul and his crew confronted the illegal Japanese whaling fleet in Antarctica.

Paul Watson has been denied the basic right to defend himself with evidence while enduring degrading treatment that is more fitting for a convicted criminal than a man yet to have his day in court. The Ministry of Justice must act swiftly to end this travesty.

This case not only threatens Watson’s freedom but also sets a dangerous precedent for the treatment of activists and the protection of individual rights in the face of politically motivated persecution.

Now more than ever, Paul needs your support. Please write to the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) directly, urging them to intervene and expedite the conclusion of this case to prevent further injustice. Email:

Also email the Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen, who oversees the bloodbath in the Faroe Islands. Danes slaughter thousands of dolphins every year. Considering the Danes “tradition” of massacring over one thousand dolphins in one day, it is no wonder they support Japan in their determined intent to stop Paul Watson and his crew from saving all forms of life in the sea. 

Keep the pressure on Denmark.

Pierce Brosnan

Letters received while he is incarcerated will mean a great deal to Paul. Please write to him in prison and let him know you support him and his incredible work saving the lives of whales.

Paul Watson

Anstalten Prison

Nuuk, Greenland


While Paul is in jail, the Japanese, the real criminals, are out planning their next heinous whale killing spree. Denmark knows this and defends Japan in their illegal whaling while holding an innocent man prisoner.

Thank you for taking action!

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