
Dangerous Drugs

A list of drugs that have been tested on animals, passed on to the public and proven to be harmful and sometimes deadly to humans.

ACCUTANE (isotretinoin) – An acne treatment that causes birth defects in pregnant women and depression and suicide in adolescents. The power of drug companies and the politics of the industry have prevented a withdrawal.

ACETAMINOPHEN – Active ingredient in Tylenol, Excedrin, Midol, Theraflu, Alka-Seltzer, Plus Cold Medicine, NyQuil, Vicodin and Percocet. Clinical studies have associated Extra Strength Tylenol with a sharp increase in liver enzymes, an early sign of liver damage. On December 19, 2006, the FDA proposed that new warnings about liver damage danger be put on the labels of over-the- counter pain relievers such as aspirin, ibuprofen and acetaminophen.

ACCOLATE and SINGULAIR (Leukotriene Receptor Antagonists) – Asthma drugs marketed by Merck which were never considered safe during trials. FDA reviewers said asthma control “deteriorates” on Singulair and that it is suspected of causing aggression, hostility, irritability, anxiety, hallucinations and night- terrors in children, symptoms that are conveniently being diagnosed as ADHD. The drug is being foisted on parents by the educational service, Scholastic, Inc. and The American Academy of Pediatrics.

ACCUPRIL (Quinapril) – Pfizer hypertension drug. Can cause dizziness, lightheadedness, dry cough, nausea, and vomiting. May be used to prevent kidney problems but can cause serious kidney reactions and possibly fatal liver disease. Several lots were recalled due to presence of a nitrosamine which can increase the risk of cancer.

ADVAIR, SYMBICORT, FORADIL AEROLIZER and SEREVENT DISKUS – Asthma drugs that have never been considered safe. The long-acting beta agonists (LABA), saleterol and formoterol, found in many asthma drugs are linked to an increase in asthma deaths, especially in African-Americans and children. They may have contributed to 5,000 deaths said Dr. David Graham at FDA hearings in front of Congress.

AMBIEN – A sleeping pill that causes blackouts while people are going about their daily business, such as driving a car.

AMYDOPYRINE – A pain killer that causes blood disease including agranulocytosis. It was withdrawn in many countries.

ATRIPLA – An HIV drug manufactured by Gilead containing the extremely toxic ingredient tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF). Some of the side effects from this drug are osteoporosis, osteopenia, osteomalacia, bone fractures, bone mineral density loss, weakening of the bones, chronic kidney disease, acute renal failure, high creatinine levels and low kidney function that requires dialysis. Plaintiffs in lawsuits accuse Gilead of keeping TDF drugs, including Atripula, Truvada, Viread, Stibild and Complera on the market to make as much money as possible before their patent ran out, knowing that the drug was dangerous and that there was a safer drug available.

ATROMID S – A cholesterol drug that causes deaths from cancer, liver, gall bladder and intestinal disease.

AVANDIA – Diabetes drug. In May 2007, a study in The New England Journal of Medicine found that Avandia increases the risk of heart attacks by 43 percent. This was acknowledged by an FDA panel but it was decided to keep Avandia on the market with a black box warning. Clinical studies have shown an increased risk of bone fractures among patients who took Avandia. One of the most serious side effects of Avandia is primary pulmonary hypertension, a rare condition that causes the narrowing of blood vessels and results in high blood pressure.

AVELOX – An antibiotic part of a class of drugs known as fluoroquinolones which also includes Cipro, Levaquin and other popular drugs. Although Bayer and other drug makers knew about the link between Avelox and peripheral neuropathy, warnings were misleading resulting in users remaining unaware of dangerous symptoms. Symptoms include numbness in extremities, burning pain, bowel and bladder problems, extreme sensitivity to touch, muscle weakness, paralysis and more. Class action lawsuits are ongoing.

BAYCOL (cerivastatin) – Cholesterol-lowering drug in a class known as statins, which lower cholesterol levels. All statins present a risk of rhabdomyolysis (muscle cell degeneration) but there were many more cases associated with Baycol than other statins. Bayer withdrew the drug from the market in August, 2001, after reports of 32 deaths due to fatal rhabdomyolysis.

BEXTRA – Drug prescribed to treat arthritis and menstrual pain. On December 4, 2004, the FDA warned that patients taking Bextra reported serious, potentially fatal skin reactions. On April 7, 2005, Pfizer, Inc. agreed to withdraw Bextra from the market because it increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

BISMUTH – Prescribed for diarrhea AND constipation. There have been over one thousand cases of people harmed by the drug since 1974, many cerebral problems and at least twenty eight deaths.

BONIVA (Ibandronate) – A drug for osteoporosis that can cause headaches, hives, nausea, pain in arms and legs, difficulty breathing, swelling of the tongue, face, lips and throat, chest pain and severe joint and muscle pain and bone loss.

BYETTA – Drug for type 2 diabetes which is linked to serious side effects including pancreatic cancer. Common side effects are altered kidney function, kidney failure, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and headaches. Amylin Pharmaceuticals made $517.7 off the drug in 2011. It is still on the market in spite of litigation being pursued by patients who have been harmed by the drug.

CHANTIX – An anti-smoking drug that causes psychosis, suicidal behaviors and suicide. In 2008 the government banned pilots, air-traffic controllers and interstate truck and bus drivers from taking it but its still on the market for the rest of us.

CHLOROMYCETIN – Antibiotic used against typhoid fever which causes the destruction of bone marrow, severe anemia, and cardiovascular collapse leading to death.

CLIOQUINOL – Prescribed for diarrhea. Drug causes blindness, paralysis and death.

CLOFIBRATE – “The Miracle Drug That Backfired” was put out on the market in 1968 and massively prescribed for thirteen years. It supposedly enabled people to eat steak, butter and other harmful foods without fear of heart attack. Instead, the drug increased the death rate of users. The World Health Organization, after a decade long study, reported that men taking the drug were 25% more likely to die of cancer, stroke, respiratory disease and heart attack than men taking placebo capsules.

COMPLERA – An antiretroviral manufactured by Gilead Science used to suppress symptoms of HIV. The drug contains tenofovir disoproxil fumareate which is dangerous and life threatening. Side effects include mental and depressive illnesses, abnormal heart rhythms, fainting, dizziness, seizures, swollen pancreas, nausea, vomiting, fever, thinning bones, kidney dysfunction, rashes, facial edema, conjunctivitis, angioedema, mucosal involvement and liver dysfunction. Lawsuits accuse Gilead of knowing that tenofovir drugs are dangerous but that they hid that fact so they could profit from selling older, more toxic HIV drugs before patent protection expired.

CRESTOR (rosuvastatin) – Statin drug. Seven cases of rhabdomyolysis occurred in clinical trials prior to approval. It causes dose-related proteinuria and hematuria, with some patients having documented creatinine elevations. It is also associated with kidney failure.

CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE – A cancer drug that causes widespread necrosis which starts in the liver and lungs and kills the patient sooner than the cancer would have, as is the case with most chemotherapy drugs.

DES (stilboestrol) – A drug prescribed for miscarriage and morning sickness that was used by millions of women between 1941-1970 and caused cancer, miscarriages and infertility. It also caused vaginal cancers in daughters of women who took it and is showing up in the third generation as grandchildren of the original users are being born with genital defects./

DEPAKOTE – A drug manufactured by Abbott and its successor AbbVie for the treatment of epilepsy, migraine headaches, and bipolar disorder, and was prescribed for off-label uses such as bipolar disorder and impulse control in children. Lawsuits have been ongoing since 2010 because of accusations that the drug causes birth defects such as spina bifida, malformed limbs, face and skull defects, and heart defects. Other side effects include pancreatitis in adults and children, which can be deadly. It also can cause liver damage and liver failure which can be fatal. By 2018 AbbVie faced 635 pending lawsuits. Lawsuits claim Abbott knew about the risks of birth defects as far back as 1980 but failed to inform doctors and patients of the risk. In 2012 Abbott agreed to pay $1.5 billion to resolve criminal and civil investigations of off-label promotion of Depakote, having illegally pushed the drug in nursing home for dementia patients with increased adverse events in the elderly, violating FDA, state, and federal laws.

DESOXYN – On February 21, 2007 the FDA advised the makers of Desoxyn, which treats ADHD, to warn parents and patients that it could cause serious psychiatric and heart problems including sudden death. The FDA has received reports of sudden death associated with the usual dosing of Desoxyn or similar medications in children with pre-existing cardiac abnormalities.

DURACT (bromfenac) – Pain reliever. In June, 1998, Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories announced the recall of Duract because of reports of severe liver failure resulting in four deaths and eight liver transplants.

EFFEXOR, CYMBALTA and PRISTIQ (SNRIs) – Selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors which are anti-depressants similar to SSRIs and have similar side-effects but their norepinephrine effects also can modulate pain which causes difficult, to horrendously frightening withdrawal symptoms.

ENKAID (encainide) – Prescribed to prevent arrhythmias. Released in 1987 and taken off the market in 1991 because it CAUSED arrhythmias and death.

ERALDIN – Heart drug. It was released on the market after seven years of “intense animal tests”” and given a clean bill of health. It was withdrawn after causing severe damage to the eyes and digestive tract and many deaths.

FLAMAMIL – A rheumatism drug that caused loss of consciousness. It was withdrawn in 1976.

FOSAMAX – A drug manufactured by Merck prescribed for menopausal women and others to prevent osteoporosis by creating bone mass. It is one of several bisphosphonate drugs; Actonel, Aredia, Bonefos, Boniva, Didronel, Reclast, Skelid and Zometa which are associated with femur fractures, osteonecrosis of the jaw, esophageal cancer, atrial fibrillation and severe musculoskeletal pain. In 2010, after many reports of adverse reactions, the FDA mandated warning labels for the drugs. Lawsuits are ongoing.

GARDASIL – Vaccine targeting young girls 11-12 years old as a medication for HPV (human papillomavirus) to supposedly stop them from developing cervical cancer. Besides the fact that vaccines CAUSE disease and do not prevent it, opponents point out cervical cancer develops in OLDER women and the vaccine (if you believe in it) would have no impact later in life. Reported side effects of Gardasil have been anaphylactic shock, foaming at the mouth, grand mal convulsions, coma, paralysis and death. Physicians are nevertheless pushing it as a routine harmless vaccine.

HUMIRA – Biologic drug made from genetically engineered hamster cells which is promoted to promote clear skin. It suppresses the immune system, inviting tuberculosis and several cancers.

HYDROXYCUT – Dietary supplement for weight loss. On May 1, 2009, the FDA warned consumers to stop using Hydroxycut products because some have been linked to serious liver injuries including one death. Not a part of the recall are Hydroxycut Cleanse and Hoodia products.

INJECTATER – A drug to treat iron deficiency anemia manufactured by Luitpold, Pharmaceutials, American Regent, Daiichi Sankyo, Vifor Pharma and Relypsa. It contains a unique ferric carboxymaltose compound known to cause severe hypophosphatemia, a serious, life threatening condition. According to lawsuits, the manufacturers knew of the serious side effects from this drug including osteomalacia, rhabdomyolysis, cardiac arrest, cardiac arrhythmia and respiratory failure.

INVOKANA – Also known as canagliflozin , a sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitor used to treat Type 2 diabetes was approved by the FDA March 2013. There are several other SGLT2 inhibitors on the market including Invokamet, Farxign, Xigduo, XR, Jardiance and Glyxambi. Side effects include heart attack, stroke, kidney failure, and ketoacidosis which can lead to coma or death. The FDA issued warnings regarding side-effects May 2015. Lawsuits against Janssen Pharmaceuticals by injured users of the drug are ongoing.

ISONIAZID – An antibiotic used against TB which causes liver necrosis.

JANUVIA – Type 2 diabetes drug linked to pancreatic cancer. Other common side effects include anxiety, chills, dizziness, depression, headache, loss of consciousness, nightmares, seizures, fever, diarrhea and many others. The drug generated $4 billion in sales in 2011 and its sister drug Janumet generated $1.65 billion. It continues to stay on the market carrying a black box warning which is the most serious label that a drug may carry./

KANAMYCIN – An antibiotic used against TB which causes deafness and damages kidneys.

KETEK – Drug used for the treatment of mild-to-moderate pneumonia. In December, 2006, the FDA refused to continue to approve Ketek for the treatment of respiratory illnesses after an expert advisory panel found the risks of liver damage outweighed the treatment benefits. Reported side effects of patients using Ketek include liver injury, liver failure, blurred vision, loss of consciousness and death.

LATUDA – The FDA approved this drug on October 28, 2010 for the treatment of symptoms of schizophrenia by increasing levels of dopamine and serotonin. Side effects include drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, shaking, muscle stiffness, weight gain, mask-like facial expression, inability to keep still, agitation, drop in blood pressure, face/muscle twitching and tardive dyskinesia (uncontrolled movements) which may become permanent. In women it can cause unwanted breast milk, missed/stopped periods and difficultly becoming pregnant. In men, decreased sexual ability, inability to produce sperm and enlarged breasts. Other symptoms include drooling/trouble swallowing, fainting, fast/irregular heartbeat, persistent cough, fever and severe depression leading to suicide. As of August 28, 2015, it was still allowed to remain on the market.

LEVAQUIN – A brand name for the drug levoflaxacin which is an antibiotic used to treat many different bacteria strains. In 2008 the FDA placed a black box warning on the drug regarding serious tendon injuries, including tendon ruptures. Hundreds of lawsuits have been filed by victims of the drug, but there have been no efforts to ban or recall the drug. Johnson & Johnson depends on Levaquin sales for 6.5% of the companys revenues, at $1.4 billion in 2007. The drug also causes peripheral neuropathy, numbness of extremities, lack of coordination, intolerance to heat and other disorders.

LINZESS – Is used to treat chronic constipation, or chronic irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in people who have had constipation as the main symptom. It can cause serious side effects including abdominal pain, severe diarrhea, vomiting, bleeding from the rectum, difficulty swallowing, fainting, increase in heart rate, difficulty breathing, bloody stools and swelling of the eyelids. In their commercials, in regard to the many dangerous side effects, the caption reads This was seen in animal studies. The relevance to humans is unknown.

LIPITOR – High cholesteral statin drug that causes a muscle breakdown called rhabdomyolysis.

LOTRONEX (alosetron) – Released on the market even though seven cases of life-threatening ischemic colitis occurred in clinical trials for this drug prescribed for the diarrhea variety of irritable bowel syndrome . Within six months of marketing, an additional sixteen cases had occurred. It was taken off the market in 2000 but reintroduced in 2002, the first drug to ever be returned to the market in spite of great safety concerns.

LYRICA, TOPAMAX and LAMICTAL – Lamictal is a seizure drug that causes aseptic meningitis but is still prescribed for unapproved pain and migraine uses. All three drugs increase the risk of suicidal thoughts and behavior and memory and hair loss.

MANOPLAX (flosequinan) – Prescribed to improve heart mechanics. Released in 1992 and taken off the market in 1993 because of excessive mortality.

MARZINE – Drug prescribed for nausea and travel sickness was withdrawn in 1971 in many countries because of the grave damage it inflicts, especially on children.

METHOTREXATE – Prescribed for leukemia and psoriasis. Drug causes ulceration of mouth cavitym, hemorrhages of the alimentary tract, intestinal perforation, severe anemia and triggers and intensifies cancerous tumors.

MITOTANE – Leukemia drug. Can cause death of renal glands./

MOVANTIK – Used to treat constipation caused by opiates. May cause symptoms of opioid withdrawal including sweating, chills, diarrhea, stomach pain, anxiety, irritability and yawning. Severe stomach pain and/or diarrhea can lead to hospitalization. Taking this drug during pregnancy can cause opioid withdrawal symptoms in the unborn baby and breastfeeding while on this drug can cause opioid withdrawal symptoms in the baby.

OMNIFLOX (temafloxacin) – An antibiotic released on the market in 1992 and taken off a few months later since it caused temafloxacin syndrome, a condition characterized by vasculitis with microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, DIC, thrombocytopenia, renal disfunction, hepatotoxicity and CNS changes including stroke.

ORAFLEX (benoxaprofen) – Non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory for arthritis. It was released on the market in 1982 and taken off the market later that year after the drug caused more than two hundred cases of liver failure and at least twenty eight deaths.

OZEMPIC – A drug manufactured by Novo Nordisk approved for Type 2 Diabetes and being used by consumers as a weight loss drug. Possible side effects include dyspepsia, flatulence, reflux diseases, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, gastroparesis, in which the stomach becomes paralyzed, constipation, thyroid tumors, including cancer.

PHENACETIN – A pain killer that caused kidney and red blood cell damage, chronic renal failure, high blood pressure and anemia and decreased blood flow to kidneys. Use fell in the 1970s and 1980s because of its incredible toxicity.

PHENFORMIN – Diabetes drug manufactured by Ciba Geigy. It was withdrawn in 1977 after causing about one thousand deaths.

PLAXIN – A tranquilizer that was withdrawn in 1970 after causing many infant deaths.

POSICOR (mibefradil) – A Calcium channel blocker used to treat heart and blood vessel ailments, including high blood pressure, hypertension, angina and congestive heart failure. Posicor was released in 1997 and in 1998 the drug was recalled due to the serious side effects related to the drug. Hundreds of people died while taking Posicor, many from heart arrhythmias. Hoffman-Roche failed to advise patients of the serious risks involved in taking Posicor with other drugs./

PPA (phenylpropanolamine) – Stimulant, decongestant and anorectic. Drug was used as diet pill since early 1960s. For years it caused hemorrhagic stroke and other adverse cardiovascular events but was not banned by FDA. It is estimated that it caused between 200-500 strokes per year in 18-45 year old users. It was also associated with mania, paranoid schizophrenia and organic psychosis. In 2000 the FDA requested that all drug companies discontinue products containing PPA. In Canada it was withdrawn from the market in 2001. Profits from PPA are estimated at $500 million to $1 billion. Twenty five thousand lawsuits have been filed by stroke victims but drug companies continue to deny that the strokes were caused by PPA.

PRELUDIN – Drug to reduce appetite and stimulate energy was withdrawn in 1999.

PREMPRO – A hormone drug marketed by Pfizer which causes breast cancer, strokes, heart attacks, blood clots and cardiovascular disease.

PRONAP – A tranquilizer that was withdrawn in 1970 after causing many infant deaths.

PROLIA – A biologic drug made from genetically engineered from hamster cells advertised to prevent osteoporosis in healthy women. It suppresses the immune system and can cause tuberculosis and several cancers.

PROZAC, PAXIL and ZOLOFT – (SSRIs) – Very profitable selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor anti-depressants which can produce violent behavior, serotonin syndrome and gastrointestinal bleeding when taken with certain other drugs. Paxil is also linked to birth defects.

RAPTIVA – Medication for the treatment of psoriasis sold by Genentech, Inc. The FDA announced a withdrawal of Raptiva on April 8, 2009, due to the risk of patients developing the risk of a viral infection that damages the protective sheath surrounding nerves. Symptoms include weakness, loss of coordination, changes in vision, difficulty speaking and personality changes.

REMDESIVIR – Developed by Gilead to treat Ebola and proved to be ineffective, then was repurposed to treat SARS, then repurposed to treat Covid. Clinical trials proved the drug to be dangerous. It causes liver damage, vomiting, multiple- organ dysfunction syndrome, septic shock, acute kidney injury, and low blood pressure. The cost is $2600 per patient. Remdesivir is so toxic, nurses have given the drug the nickname of run-death-is-near. The FDA has approved this drug for babies as young as 28 days old.

RESERPINE – An antipsychotic also prescribed to reduce blood pressure. It increases three times the risk of breast cancer in women. Also increases the risk of brain cancer, pancreatic cancer, skin cancer and cancer of the uterus and overies. Causes nightmares and depression. All oral drugs containing more than 1 mg of reserpine have been withdrawn.

REXULTI – An antipsychotic drug that works by changing the actions of chemicals in the brain and is used to treat the symptoms of schizophrenia. It may impair thinking or reactions. Some of the symptoms are, thoughts of suicide severe distress, trouble swallowing, thoughts of hurting yourself, twitching, seizures, low blood cell counts, fever, chills, sore throat, skin sores, swollen gums, weight loss, severe nervous system reactions, fast or uneven heartbeats, tremors, stiff muscles, sudden weakness and feeling you may pass out.

RISPERDAL – An antipsychotic drug which has netted Johnson & Johnson over $2.1 billion in global sales. It is now being prescribed not just for schizophrenia but for behavioral disorders in children and elderly patients with dementia. The side effects fill many pages of description including stroke and stroke-like events, death, pneumonia, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, rigidity, fast heartbeat, high or low blood pressure, high fever, memory problems, anxiety, aggressive behavior, confusion, shivering, diarrhea, loss of voice, menstrual changes, chest pain, vision problems and many, many more. In spite of these side effects Risperdal will stay on the market with updates on the warning label.

REZULIN (troglitazone) – Drug for diabetes. It was approved even though clinical trials showed it was dangerous. Before it was withdrawn from the market in 2000, the drug had caused at least forty three cases of liver failure, including twenty eight deaths.

RITALIN, CONCERTA, STRATTERA, ADDERALL (ADHD Drugs) – These drugs are considered a gold mine for the pharmaceutical industry. ADHD drugs are practically forced on children who are merely acting like normal kids. Often, doctors and their Big Pharma cronies insist children need more than one of these drugs (co-administration market) in order for them to be effective. Side effects include blurry vision, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, tics, cardiac arrhythmia, anemia, scalp hair loss, psychosis, loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, irritability, nervousness, stomach aches, headaches, dry mouth, abnormal liver function, cerebral arteritis, leucopenia, and death. On February 21, 2007 the makers of Strattera, Ritalin and Adderall were advised by the FDA to inform parents and patients that these drugs could cause serious psychiatric and heart problems and sudden death. Risks linked to Strattera are heart palpitations, tachycardia, elevation of blood pressure and heart attacks.

SELDANE (terfenadine) – An antihistamine, released in 1985, that caused cardiac arrhythmias, often in combination with other drugs. After years of delay after the discovery of life threatening reactions, it was removed from the market in 1998.

SEROQUEL, ZYPREXA and GEODON (Atypical Antipsychotics) – These drugs are number one on the 2010 list of drugs causing adverse events. They are linked to troop deaths and many research scandals but are the fifth biggest-selling drug in the world. They cause weight gain, diabetes and the tardive dyskinesia they are marketed to prevent, and death in the elderly. Yet the FDA approved Zyprexa and Seroquel for children in 2010 and the new atypical antipsychotic drug, Latuda in 2011.

STRIBILD – Manufactured by Gilead Sciences, treats HIV, may slow progression but does not cure. This drug along with Truvada, Viread, Atripla and other HIV drugs contain tenofoir disoproxil fumarate which are dangerous and can be life threatening. Side effects include bone demineralization, loss of bone density, bone fractures, osteopenia, osteoporosis, kidney damage, kidney toxicity, chronic kidney disease and kidney failure. In lawsuits, patients accuse Gilead of negligence and hiding knowledge that they knew Stribild is unreasonably and unnecessarily unsafe.

TAMOXIFEN – A breast cancer prevention drug that causes blood clots, stroke and endometrial cancer. Its maker, AstraZeneca, founded Breast Cancer Awareness Month and makes carcinogenic agrochemicals that cause breast cancer.

TAXOTERE – A chemotherapy drug that causes permanent hair loss. The manufacturer, Sanofi Aventis US, is accused in at least 33 lawsuits of hiding the side-effects of permanent hair loss for the sake of increasing sales figures. Clinical trials were sponsored by the company itself. Fraudulent marketing practices and kickbacks were exposed by a whistleblower. Some of the side effects of Taxotere are: permanent hair loss, acute myeloid leukemia, eye disorders, physical weakness, reversable liver damage, jaundice, severe fatigue, fever, abdominal pain, severe nausea and vomiting, unusual swelling of hands and feet, susceptibility to bacterial infections that could become fatal, uncontrollable bleeding, inflamed and bleeding gums, skin infections, diarrhea, rash, low blood pressure, shortness of breath, fluid retention and more. The numerous law suits were consolidated before a federal judge in Louisiana.

THALIDOMIDE – A tranquilizer released in 1954. The drug was responsible for five thousand to ten thousand severely deformed babies and fetal deaths. In spite of its proven danger to humans, it is now used as a cancer drug.

TROVAN (trovafloxacin) – Prescribed for prostatitis. Released on the market in 1997 even though clinical trials showed it was unsafe. Pzifer discontinued making the drug in 2002 but prescriptions continued to be filled and as of 2004, it had caused fifty eight cases of liver failure, including twenty nine deaths and nine people requiring liver transplants.

TRUVADA – Manufactured by Gilead, the drug is proscribed to treat and/or prevent HIV and has many potentially serious, life threatening side effects. Along with Stribild, Viread, Atripla, Complera and other HIV drugs, Truvada contains tenofovir disoproxil fumarate which patients claim in law suits that Gilead knew was dangerous. The long list of side effects include, lactic acidosis, kidney failure, liver problems, bone problems, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, weight loss, fatigue, headache, dizziness, depression, stomach pain, abnormal heartbeat, yellow skin and eyes, loss of appetite and easy bleeding and bruising.

URETHAN – Leukemia drug that causes cancer of the liver, lungs and bone marrow.

VALSARTAN – A blood pressure drug developed by Novartis and sold under different brand names like Diovan, Exforge and Entresto. Side effects include bloody urine, cold sweats, confusion, difficulty breathing, loss of appetite, lower back or side pain, nausea, nervousness, swelling of the face, fingers or lower legs, vomiting, chills, fever, diarrhea, hypotension, heart failure and more. Lawsuits have been filed against several pharmaceutical companies because traces of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) which can cause cancer and liver damage have been discovered in several batches of valsartan. This chemical is used in the production of rocket fuel, antioxidants and other industrial uses. Vivisectors use it to induce cancer in rats for animal experiments. The FDA estimates that NDMA may have been contained in Valsartan for as long as four years. As of July, 2018, thirteen pharmaceutical companies have been asked by the FDA to recall the drug.

VIAGRA – Erectile dysfunction drug. Side effects may include dizziness, prolonged erection, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, fainting, fast or irregular heartbeat, memory loss, ringing in the ears, seizures, sudden hearing loss, loss of vision, permanent blindness and sudden death.

VIOXX – Arthritis and pain medication. On September 30, 2004, Merck announced the drugs withdrawal because use showed an increased risk for heart attacks. Juries in injury claims have found that Merck failed to warn users adequately of the risks linking Vioxx to heart attacks, strokes and death. Lawsuits are ongoing.

VIREAD – A drug to treat HIV manufactured by Gilead that was portrayed by drug salesmen as “risk free” even though Gilead knew that an ingredient in the drug, tenofir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) was highly toxic. Some of the side effects from Viread are osteoporosis, bone fractures, chronic kidney disease, renal failure, low kidney function and abnormal protein levels in urine. Plaintiffs in law suits accuse Gilead of purposefully refusing to remove Viread, Truvada, Atripla, Stribild and other TDF drugs off the market and replacing it with safer drugs in order to keep profiting from their TDF drugs before the patents ran out.

XARELTO – Anticoagulant drug which has the potential to increase the patient’s risk for internal bleeding. Once the bleeding starts, there is no antidote to stopping it, increasing the risk of death from uncontrolled bleeding. Other dangerous side effects are; abnormal liver function, abdominal bleeding, brain hemorrhage, low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, rectal bleeding, gastrointestinal bleeding and increased risk of blood clots. In spite of receiving more than 2,000 reports of adverse side effects, including deaths, since the drug hit the market, the FDA refuses to withdraw it and it is the highest prescribed anticoagulant by cardiologists. Lawsuits are ongoing.

YAZ – A drug Bayer announced would go beyond birth control. In spite of the fact that is causes blood clots, gall bladder disease, heart attacks and strokes, the FDA ordered Bayer to add the harmful side-effects to their ads. It is still on the market.

ZANTAC (generic name for ranitidine) – A receptor blocker used for treating and preventing ulcers in the duodenum and stomach. Side effects include constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, headache, drowsiness, muscle pain, vomiting, dizziness, jaundice and can cause gastric, bladder, stomach, and colorectal cancer. On September 14, 2019, the FDA warned that ranitidine is a probable cause of cancer. On April 1, 2020, the FDA requested that manufacturers withdraw all prescription and over-the-counter ranitidine drugs off the market. Lawsuits against Zantac maker Sanofi are ongoing.

ZYPREXA – Treatment for schizophrenia, anxiety and depression. On September, 2003, the FDA instructed Eli Lilly to warn users of Zeprexa of the possible side effects of hyperglycemia, hyperosmolar coma, diabetic coma and death. On January, 24, 2009 Eli Lilly agreed to pay over 1.4 billion dollars in a settlement for its wrongdoing concerning marketing but refused to admit guilt in the civil investigation.

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