We laughed out loud until we got pains in our sides and felt like an outbreak of hysteria might be coming on. Are they kidding with Stargate or what? AI is going to make an RNA vaccine that will prevent/cure cancer? What is Trump thinking? Where the heck is RFK, Jr.? Why is RFK, who knows better than anyone that vaccines do not work, not saying anything to Trump about this boondoggle?
Do they really not understand that Cancer Society vivisectors have been looking for a cure to cancer for one hundred years and is still asking for money to find it? Do they not know that St. Jude vivisectors have been looking for a cure to cancer for 62 years and ask people for money hundreds of times a day via their commercials so they can keep looking for a cure to cancer in their animal experimentation laboratories? And that’s only two of the billionaire cancer organizations who have been looking for cancer cures for a combined thousand years.
Billionaires think they can throw money at anything and make it all fine. But the human body doesn’t work the same as a car engine or a computer. We still have that same human body that’s been around for six million years, and it pretty much works like it did back when we were living in caves, AI or no AI. That means that the only thing that can still heal the human body is our own immune system. That means we have to strengthen our immune system naturally to take care of any disease or illness. And we do that by ingesting the same fruits, nuts, vegetables, and grains that have been healing humans for all these years. When you weaken the immune system with drugs, vaccines (RNA or otherwise), pesticides, and all the other toxic chemicals humans are exposed to, a lot of people are going to end up with cancer. The RNA vaccines created by these Stargate CEOs are just more toxins that will be added to the many other toxins assaulting our bodies on a daily basis that cause cancer.
There is no magic bullet to prevent cancer or make it go away. Billionaires may want that because that’s how they think – spending lots and lots of money will bring a magic cure. And along the way they will obtain everyone’s medical and financial records and will control every last person they can convince to play ball. And desperate people may fall for it.
Their AI “research” will tragically mean more vivisection. Tens of thousands of animals – dogs, cats, monkeys, mice, and more will end up in their biomedical laboratories tortured to death for something that doesn’t exist and never has. And who knows how long this Stargate debacle will continue? The Cancer Society has been promising a cure to cancer for decades and still people give them money to look for it. It seems humans are so hungry for the magic bullet, generations of human beings live and die and keep on donating and hoping for the cure and never question why it never comes.
Hello. There ARE natural cures to cancer, but it involves thinking for yourself, not allowing the medical/pharmaceutical industry to scare you into thinking the only choices you have when you get cancer is to allow your immune system to be destroyed by chemotherapy, allow radiation to burn away flesh and tumors and make you believe you “beat the big ‘C’” until sooner or later the tumors grow back somewhere else in your body.
People have been accepting these two toxic therapies since the 1930s even though they know they don’t work and that they will die painful deaths from them. Medical propaganda has been so deeply ingrained inside people’s brains they don’t even question the painful one-way trip out of this world they are embarking on when they accept poison into their bodies and allow radiation to burn away their flesh. Now the billionaires want to add to those toxic therapies a vaccine you can take before you even have cancer. Are we supposed to trust these people and their human-created AI? I don’t think so.
How long will it take before the Stargate vaccines are available? How many people will die from them? When the Covid vaccines began killing and injuring people their deaths were blamed on a non existent Covid. When the RNA cancer vaccines start killing people the answer to the question of why people are dying is even easier. Everybody knows cancer kills. It’s not the horrifically dangerous cancer vaccines that are responsible. It’s the cancer.
We believe people are catching on to the facts about vaccines. After the Covid fraud, how can they not? Even this gigantic, well financed, money-making Stargate scheme could fail to convince millions of people that a magic bullet exists to “cure” and prevent cancer. And we don’t think that people are as gullible as they were before Covid. We’re supposed to believe their blood tests? Letting a bunch of billionaires get their hands on our medical and financial records? Not so fast. This is still a country of independent minded people even though many of them can be swayed if people push the right buttons. We can only hope that there are enough people in this country who are not interested in handing over their bodies and their freedoms to a bunch of billionaire idiots desperate to become immortal. Let’s not give them one hundred years to fail like the Cancer Society who is still promoting the “cure” for cancer that’s “been around the corner” for longer than any of us have been alive.
This Stargate hokum is the “same ‘ol, same ‘ol” that we’ve been observing for as long as we’ve been antivivisectionists, only with more tech hyperbole and making a big production out of it. Will somebody please get the hook and pull them off the stage? Tell billionaires to spend their money on useful projects that are crying out for attention because no amount of AI/RNA tinkering with the human body will make these billionaires live forever.