

In 1986, the vaccine industry convinced members of Congress that unless they protected vaccine manufacturers from legal liability, they would be sued out of existence. Pre 1986 there were so many law suits brought against the vaccine industry from victims of vaccines that the industry went all out lobbying politicians to save them. Congress did save them and now vaccine victims are no longer allowed to sue vaccine companies for damages in court.

Congress also set up the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) which acts like a vaccine court for victims. This “court” makes it so difficult for anyone to bring a case forward and has set in place such incredibly high hurdles victims must jump over to get heard, that the vast majority of victims give up. But even with all the difficulties that have been placed in their path, the NVICP has awarded over $4 billion to vaccine victims.

The money paid to victims comes from taxes paid on vaccines. The vaccine industry pays nothing, so there is no reason for them to stop peddling their poisons and observing all the death and harm they cause to hundreds of millions of people while hiding behind the safety of the 1986 law.


On September 25, 2024, Rep. Paul A Gosar (R-AZ-9) introduced a bill that would end the liability shield for vaccine manufacturers. The bill already has 30 sponsors, all of them Republicans.

We are not allowed to tell anyone who to vote for but after the censorship we have endured from this present administration regarding our stance on vaccines and the entire Covid fraud we are not surprised that not one Democrat has signed on to the bill. We sincerely hope that there are Democrats who will refuse to walk in lockstep with the White House and the pharmaceutical industry and will recognize that victims of vaccines deserve their day in court.

The overwhelming facts regarding injuries reported on the CDC VAERS site (that reports less than one percent of actual injuries), and the $4 billion that has already been paid out to victims is solid proof that vaccines harm and kill people and vaccine companies should be held accountable for those deaths and injuries.

H.R. 9828 would allow victims to sue vaccine manufacturers in court as is standard procedure for any product that causes damage to consumers. It would remove the 2-3-year statute of imitations for lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers, would remove protections for Covid shots under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP), and enable victims to use the VICP court if they choose.

This bill, if passed, would see the endless procession of vaccine commercials die down to a trickle. The vaccine industry could no longer lie about the effectiveness and “safety” of vaccines. They would be forced to give disclaimers just as drug companies must do, and list the toxic side-effects.

Asking your representatives to support this bill is one of the most important actions we have asked you to do. Getting democrats on board is a heavy lift. But if politicians want to stay in power they must listen to their constituents. We ask that you go to, fill in your information and copy this template or write in your own words why passing this bill is important to you.

Dear [Representative]

I am writing to ask you to support H.R. 9828. It is no longer possible to deny the overwhelming statistics of damage and death caused by vaccines. The CDC VAERS site gives witness to this fact even though less than one percent of vaccine injuries and deaths are reported to VAERS. In 1986, vaccine companies were given a free ride by Congress. The law suits against vaccine companies were so great pre 1986 that they were afraid they would be sued out of existence.

Owners of every other product manufactured in this country must stand up in court to defend their products when victims accuse them of causing harm. Vaccine companies are the only businesses that are allowed to harm and kill millions of people and never have to answer for it. And the NVICP court makes it near to impossible for victims to sue for damages. In spite of that fact, over $4 billion has been paid out to victims of vaccines. Not one penny of that is paid by vaccine companies. All of it comes from taxes on vaccines. H.R. 9828 would give all vaccine victims their day in court. It would remove the 2-3-year statute of limitations, and remove protections for the Covid shots.

Vaccine companies have been shielded by Congress long enough. If vaccine manufacturers have so much faith in their products then they should have no problem defending themselves in court like the manufacturers of all other products in this country must do. Vaccine companies can no longer be allowed to exist above the law.

I urge you to sign on to H.R.9828. This bill will do nothing to stop true believers in vaccines from continuing to receive all of the injections they wish, but it’s time to stand up for the victims of vaccines who have been denied justice since 1986.



Vaccine manufacturers will continue to do everything in their power to convince people to take more and more vaccines. They will continue to exploit frightened parents and innocent children. Their psychopathic greed knows no bounds. Only by being exposed as liars and frauds in court will their reign of suffering end. If they believe in their products they should be more than willing to face down their accusers. Their fear of equal justice for all tells us everything we need to know about these purveyors of poison.

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