

Our mentor Javier Burgos who, along with Hans Reusch, revolutionized the antivivisection movement by using the scientific argument against animal experimentation, told us decades ago, “animal experimentation will lead to human experimentation.” The truth is vivisectors were on the road to experimentation on humans many years before then. The psychotic monsters who torture animals for a living are, contrary to people’s perception of them, not benign “scientists” searching for cures for human ailments. Far from it. They know better than anyone that experiments on animals cannot be extrapolated to humans. They are consumed with a need to tinker with animal and human life, just to see what happens when you do something painful and cruel for the sake of doing it. And for perpetrating these crimes against living beings they receive billions of dollars from taxpayers through the National Institutes of Health.


In the early 1950s, Vladimir Demikhov found his grisly niche transplanting organs from one dog to another. All the animals died and the experiments failed. This did not deter him from his transplantation goals. Finally, he transplanted the head of a small dog onto a full grown German shepherd. The German shepherd suffered from the effects of this horrific experiment for four days before he mercifully died. In 1965, Dr. David White transplanted a dog’s brain into the neck of another dog. The dog’s torment lasted for five days until his pitiful end. In 1970, White transplanted a monkey head onto another monkey. When the monkey woke up, he went insane. He attacked White and lived in a terrified and confused state for 18 hours. His suffering was horrific. White next made plans to transplant a human head onto a human quadriplegic volunteer but the government funding dried up and his dream was never realized. He was known as “Dr. Butcher” to normal people and as a revered “scientist” to other vivisectors. 

In 1984, Dr. Leonard Bailey convinced the parents of Stephanie Fae Beauclair to forgo other surgical procedures which could possibly have solved her heart defect and allow him to transplant the heart of a baboon into this 14-day-old infant. Bailey had already performed more than 150 transplants in sheep, goats, and baboons. All the animals died in terrible agony. Despite his history of massive failure, Bailey, nevertheless decided to experiment on little Baby Fae. For 21 days the baby suffered excruciating pain in her attempt to eliminate the baboon heart from her tiny body. Her death was a blessing. After a negative public outcry Bailey gave up on animal-to-human transplants and stuck to human-to-human transplants having learned nothing about humans from his horrific animal experiments and knowing that humans who undergo transplants will have to take antirejection drugs the rest of their lives until they die of renal failure from the drugs. When Bailey died in 2019, he was lauded by the medical community and reviled by the public.

Stephanie Fae Beauclair


The NIH has given thousands of dollars to vivisectors to attempt to make monkeys transgender knowing that brutalizing monkeys will not cause transgender surgeries on humans to be any more successful. The University of Pittsburgh received $235,00 in 2019 to grow human hair on the backs of mice. Human fetal skin was grafted onto mice where the mouse’s skin had been destroyed by radiation, and hair from human fetuses was transplanted onto the mice. Anthony Fauci claimed his agency The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) at the NIH did this to study human skin infection – a false and ludicrous claim.

Vivisectors announced in 2019 that they had created human-monkey embryos in lab cultures. Pig embryos containing human cells were allowed to grow into fetuses. Vivisectors claim they are doing this for transplant purposes. Have they learned nothing from past failures? Boris Nikolic, head of Biomatics and former science advisor for Bill Gates, is experimenting on pigs to produce human tissues and organs. Other companies backed by Biomatics are modifying pig organs for use in humans and are producing gene-editing “medicines” and are also backed by Bill Gates and Google.

All the experiments have failed so why continue going down this futile and cynical path? That’s easy. The experiments have been done for three reasons – one is money – the grants the companies and vivisectors receive and the profits they make, another is to satisfy the grotesque curiosity of the sadistic experimenters, and last but not least, rich people are desperate to find ways to prolong their privileged lives.


Humans cannot even receive blood from another human unless they have the same blood type. How in the world could anyone believe that the bodies of one species will accept organs from another species? Common sense tells us this is impossible. A child in grade school can understand the concept. Nevertheless, the human vivisection continues. The latest example is below.

Lisa Pisano – Pig Kidney Recipient


Despite the hundreds of animal to animal and animal-to-human transplant failures that have been perpetrated, doctors/vivisectors refuse to stop their grisly experiments. As reported by U.S.A. Today, on April 12, 2024 a 54-year-old woman was implanted with a pig kidney. Lisa Pisano was suffering from heart failure and needed regular dialysis. On April 4, Dr. Robert Montgomery, director of the NYU Langone Transplant Institute, implanted into Lisa a device called a left ventricular assist device, or LVAD. She was placed on continuous dialysis and bed rest for eight days before receiving a “gene-edited” pig kidney. Her prognosis is uncertain.

U.S.A. Today reports: “There are several competing models for pig organs, one used at NYU and another used at Massachusetts General Hospital, where vivisectors performed the first live kidney transplant from a pig into a patient, Richard Slayman, in March.” Seven weeks after his pig kidney transplant Slayman is still alive. According to U.S.A Today, “So far, the Food and Drug Administration has allowed pig organs to be tested in four living people. Two received pig hearts at the University of Maryland, in 2022 and 2023, but survived less than two months each.” Now we have Richard and Lisa, enduring the antirejection drugs and hoping they survive. “…all transplant patients have to take (antirejection drugs) to limit the risk of organ rejection. The same medication that saves the organ also can damage it long-term, though, and, by suppressing the immune system, increases the patient’s risk for infection and some cancers.”

Dr. Robert Montgomery, at NYU, who performed Lisa’s transplant looks forward to doing more transplants next year. There have been five pig-to-human transplants on brain dead people at NYU and Montgomery is “hoping to optimize the process…It all seems to be accelerating,” he said.


Several companies are involved in the animal-to-human transplant business. Pigs are being tormented regularly as vivisectors “edit” their genes, experiment on them and kill them to study and use their organs in pig-to-brain-dead-human transplants. “The pig used by Massachusetts’ General was created by a company called eGenesis and was a cloned animal with 69 gene edits.” For years primates were experimented on and their organs transplanted into brain-dead humans. Now pigs are the unfortunate focus for experimentation and transplantation. The reason for this change? “Researchers assumed human patients would be easier to keep alive with pig organs than primates.” Why would they? The humans with pig organs all died. Maybe it’s because people care more about monkeys than pigs. Who knows? It certainly isn’t a decision made on a scientific basis. But tortured animals and dead humans cannot stop the runaway train that is the transplant business. As long as there are desperate patients who have abused their bodies with food, drink, and drugs, who have been poisoned by vaccines, toxic pesticides, and hundreds of other toxic chemicals, and who are willing to submit to human experimentation, the animal to human transplant business will flourish. Until many more transplant patients with animal organs inside them have died painful deaths members of Congress will close their eyes and keep sanctioning the gory business.


It is regrettable that doctors spend little or no time in medical school learning about natural healing. Because medical schools are financed by the pharmaceutical industry, doctors mainly learn that drugs are the answer to everything. And after drugs inevitably cause harmful side effects that cannot be overcome with more drugs, then surgery is the answer. When surgery is impossible or fails to correct a problem, then transplants are the last hope for the desperate. Unfortunately for animals and humans, it is a road that leads to a tragic dead end.

What a different world it would be if doctors were taught to heal people naturally, strengthen the immune system, and to tell their patients to eat an organic, plant-based diet, exercise and eschew all drugs. But that is not reality. The medical/pharmaceutical establishment is driven by profit and where is the profit in a world of healthy people? There is none. It’s up to us to change the entire paradigm. Just do it.

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